Worship Ministry Team: This team helps the Pastor and choir director with liturgical and musical planning for Sundays and seasonal worship services. Many members of Emanuel participate in worship as lectors (readers), acolytes, worship assistants, and ushers. The Worship Ministry team plans special services for Lent and Advent and a Palm Sunday Passion reading, as well as regular Sunday worship. The team also plans and executes training for worship volunteers.

Spiritual Life Team: This ministry team plans adult education and spiritual growth activities. Bible studies throughout the week include:
In addition to the weekly Bible studies, we have several special programs:
- Thursday Morning Bible Study: Meets at 9:30 every Thursday, led by Pastor Lyn.
- Text Study meets Tuesdays at noon to read and discuss that week's lectionary readings.
- Women’s Bible Study: Meets every Monday evening at 7:00 pm at the home of one of the members.
In addition to the weekly Bible studies, we have several special programs:
- Wired Word potlucks: Meet at the home of a parishioner to share a meal, fellowship, and discuss an important current topic from a Christian perspective.
- Weekend events: We have led intensive family-oriented weekend events during the summer, including a virtual Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and a re-enactment of the Journey's of Paul.
- Pet Blessing: We traditionally bless our pets to commemorate the Feast of St. Francis.